Dr. Jennifer Crawford, Registered Psychologist, specializing in Pediatric Psychology and Psychoeducational Assessments

Dr. Jennifer Crawford, Calgary pediatric psychologist, psychoeducational assessment

Dr. Crawford has been a practicing Psychologist for over 20 years.  She has always specialized in the pediatric population and brings a wealth of Psychology experience from a small health district in Saskatchewan, to more than 12 years at Alberta Children’s Hospital here in Calgary.  She has extensive experience in psychoeducational assessment. Areas of assessment include giftedness, cognitive differences, learning disabilities and ADHD. 

Dr. Crawford has worked with children that have complex health needs. During her time at Alberta Children’s Hospital she worked specifically with children with Neurological differences, as well as provided medical psychology coverage to the inpatient population and many other outpatient groups.  

Dr. Crawford’s education began at the University of Regina where she completed a Bachelors of Education, becoming a Certified Teacher.  She then moved on to her undergraduate Psychology degree, and headed West, completing a Masters Degree at the University of Victoria and finally a Phd at the University of Alberta.

Dr. Crawford is a Registered Psychologist a member of the Canadian Psychological Association and a member of the http://Psychologists’ Association of Albertahttps://psychologistsassociation.ab.ca